Warumb des Bapsts vnd seyner Jungern[n] Bucher von Doct. Martino Luther vorbra[n]t seynn[n] : lass auch anczeygen wer do wil, warumb sie D. Luthers Bucher vorprennet haben[n]

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Summary: When the time stipulated in the Pope's bull of excommunication had elapsed on December 10, 1520, Luther and some of his students burned the bull and copies of the canon law. This pamphlet details their reasons for doing so. This is the third (of three) printings of the first edition.
Signatures: A-B⁴.
Imprint: Name of printer from Benzing. Gedruckt zu Wittembergk nach Christ Gepurt 1520. IAR (colophon).

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