Historiated title page of Wie, vnd inn wölcher gestalt, der Eömischer [i.e. Römischer] Kayserlichen Mayestat, Landtgraff Philips von Hessen, auff dem neüntzehenden tag Junij, zuo Hall in Sachsen den fuossfall gethon. M.D.XLVII

The title page of Hans Baumann's Wie, vnd inn wölcher gestalt, der Eömischer [i.e. Römischer] Kayserlichen Mayestat, Landtgraff Philips von Hessen, auff dem neüntzehenden tag Junij, zuo Hall in Sachsen den fuossfall gethon. M.D.XLVII featuring the coat of arms of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, which features the two-headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire, bearing a quartered shield representing the regions he rules. The eagle is flanked by a pair of columns representing the Pillars of Hercules and his motto, "Plus Oultre," translated as "Further Beyond."

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