Johann Tetzel's Rebuttal against Luther's Sermon on Indulgences and Grace

Tetzel, Johann, 1460-1519

The digital edition of an introduction to and translation of Johan Tetzel's "Vorlegung gemacht von Bruder Johan Tetzel Prediger Orde[n]s Ketzermeister : wyder eynen vormessen Sermon von tzwentzig irrige[n] Artickeln Bebstlichen Ablas vn[d] Gnade belange[n]de allen cristglaubige[n] Mensche[n] tzuwissen von Notten," originally published by Melchior Lotter in Leipzig, Germany, in 1518, including facsimile reproductions. The original text is the first attack on Luther's "Sermon von dem Ablass und Gnade" (Sermon on indulgences and grace) by Johan Tetzel, a refutation of Luther's position.
Johann Tetzel's Rebuttal against Luther's Sermon on Indulgences and Grace (Digital Edition)