Früntlich verglimpfung vnd ableynung über die predig des treffenliche[n] Martini Luthers wider die Schwermer : zuo Wittemberg gethon vnnd beschriben zuo schirm des wäsenlichen lychnams vn[d] bluts Christi im Sacrame[n]t

Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531

Summary: In a sermon against religious fanatics (Wider die Schwärmer), Luther had asserted the real presence of Christ in the eucharist. Zwingli responds by affirming the Reformed position that the practice of communion is to be seen as a symbolic act.
Signatures: A-B⁸.
Imprint: (Colophon) Getruckt zuo Zürich im Wyngarten by Christoffel Froschouer Anno.&c.
Illustrative and Decorative Content: Initials.
Additional Details: Old marginalia. Running title: Vber Mart. Lut. predig wider die Schwermer. At end of text: Geben Zürich vff den XXX tag Mertzens. Anno M.D.XXVII.

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