Expositiones Diui Hieronimi in Hebraicas : questiones super Genesim necnon super duodecim Prophetas minores et quatuor maiores nouiter impresse cum priuilegio

Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420

Summary: One of four volumes of a 1497 printing of Jerome's commentaries on the Old Testament. This particular volume comprises the prophetic books Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel as well as the 12 minor prophets. It is unique insofar as not all parts of the larger set were bound in the same order or based on the same divisions. It was that was once held by the library of Rebdorf monastery, which developed a renown humanist collection during the tenure of Kilian Leib as the monastery's prior. Signatures: (1,3)(4,5)⁶, A-R⁸, T-Z, AA, BB8, CC6, DD-HH DDD, EEE8, FFF-HHH, DDDD-GGGG6, HHHH4, II8, KK-LL6, a-c8, d10, e8, f6, g-h10, i8, k6, l-y6, x8, y6 [Verify signatures]. Signatures in g run gi-iii, g⁴, giiii. Signature which should be Mii is Nii. L. 194b blank.
Illustrative and Decorative Content: Rubrication throughout.
Imprint: from leaf 194a.
Additional Details: Contemporary inscription in title page: Hic codex ex Monasterij Sanctissimj Johanis baptiste in rebdorff ordinis canonicorum regularium augustinj epi(scopi) eyste[e]n[sis] dyocess." Pitts Theology Library copy contains the Old Testament prophets and is bound diffently from copies listed at GW.

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