Die Sieben puszpsalm mit deutscher auszlegu[n]g nach dem schrifttlichen synne tzu Christi vn[d] gottis gnaden, neben seyns selben. ware erkentniss gru[n]dlich gerichtet.. 1517

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Summary: The first edition of Martin Luther's first book, this is Luther's commentary on the seven penitential Psalms (Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143) based on his lectures at the University of Wittenberg and published in March1517, six months before his 95 Theses. The Reformer's understanding of repentance, penance and grace, influenced by the medieval mystic Johannes Tauler, became central to his theology and underlies his later critique of indulgences. Luther revised this commentary in 1525.
Signatures: A⁴ B-H⁶ (H6 blank).
Imprint: from colophon, "Gedruckt tzu Wittenbergk in der Chürfurstlichen stad durch Joannem Grunenbergk Nach Christ geburt Tausent funff hundert vnd jm sibentzen jar. Bey den Augustinern."
Binding: Bound in marbled paper.
Additional Details: Luther's name is given at the end of the preface (verso of title): F. Martinus Luder Augustiner. There are two inscriptions (probably different hands, ca. 1600) on the top of the title page (Dise psalmen hat doctor Lutter zum ersten mahl ausgelegt vnd drucken lassen) and on the verso of D4 (Das ist wider die Accidenta|rios, das die Erbsünde kein Accidens sey sunder vnser Natur vnd anhebendes wesen etc).

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