Contra haereticum dikaeusistam de dicto Ioannis: Spiritus arguet munde iustitia uado ad Patrem

Flacius Illyricus, Matthias, 1520-1575

Summary: Response by Mathias Flacius Illyricus, among the strictest of the Lutheran theologians of his time, to the views of the early Reformer of Nürnberg, Andreas Osiander, on Justification. Osiander emphasized the believer's being made righteous, as opposed to being declared righteous through Christ. Flacius reports on the title page that he had shared his views on this issue privately in writing with friends, but that they had been published without his permission and in a form unacceptable to him. This edition represents the official response by Flacius.
Signatures: A-B⁸ (B7-8 and B6 verso blank).
Imprint: Place of printing and name of printer from colophon, date from VD16.

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