An eight panel folding screen supporting calligraphy of an interpretation of the Eight Beatitudes (Matthew 5) in Chinese. The artist, Rev. Eun-deok Choi, has signed the work with his sobriquet, 義山 (의산; Righteous Mountain). The artist, Rev. Choi, was an acquaintance of the former President of Methodist Theological University in Seoul, Bong-bae Park, and may have originally gifted the work to him. Park, in turn, was a friend and colleague of former Emory University President and US Ambassador to Korea, James T. Laney, and possibly gifted the work to him. Ultimately, the work was gifted to Candler School of Theology by Laney.

Interpreting a Legacy

The Calligraphic Works of Rev. Eun-deok Choi

An eight panel folding screen supporting calligraphy of an interpretation of the Eight Beatitudes (Matthew 5) in Chinese. The artist, Rev. Eun-deok Choi, has signed the work with his sobriquet, 義山 (의산; Righteous Mountain). The artist, Rev. Choi, was an acquaintance of the former President of Methodist Theological University in Seoul, Bong-bae Park, and may have originally gifted the work to him. Park, in turn, was a friend and colleague of former Emory University President and US Ambassador to Korea, James T. Laney, and possibly gifted the work to him. Ultimately, the work was gifted to Candler School of Theology by Laney.


산상성훈 (山上聖訓)

이 작품은 에모리 전 총장이자 한국 대사를 역임한 제임스 T. 레이니에게 주어진 서예 작품입니다. 마태복음 5장에 나오는 팔복의 내용을 재해석한 세상에 단 하나 밖에 없는 이 작품은 서예로 복음을 전했던 최은덕 목사님의 작품이었습니다. 그의 이야기와 작품의 의미를 탐구하기 위해, 그의 아들인 최병현 목사님이 들려줄 이야기가 지금부터 시작됩니다.

This is a Chinese calligraphy artwork given to President Emeritus James T. Laney, former president of Emory and former ambassador to Korea. This one-of-a-kind work, which reinterprets the contents of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, is the work of Rev. Eun-deok Choi (1921-1999), who preached the gospel through calligraphy. In order to explore the meaning of his story and artwork, the story to be told by his son, Rev. Byoung-hyoun Choi, begins now.

Rev. Byoung Hyoun Choi is Lead Pastor of Mynmok Central Methodist Church in Seoul.

PLEASE NOTE: The following interview is in Korean. Korean and English subtitles are forthcoming.

Father's Ink Incense:

Calligraphy and the Re-Interpreted Beatitudes

This calligraphy plays on the sounds of Chinese to evoke the name of God (Yahweh) and describe him (Jesus Christ) as the most "precious stone," the cornerstone.


아위반석 (雅瑋磐石)

최은덕 목사님은 감리교 목회자로 서울과 강원 등지에서 목회하였습니다. 평생 7개 교회를 건축하고 13개 교회를 개척하며, 바울과 같이 복음을 위해 살았습니다.

사람들과 친화력이 있던 최은덕 목사님은 지역사회의 인지도 있는 사람들과 관계를 맺으면서 그들을 전도할 목적으로 중국 성경을 토대로 팔복을 작품으로 만들었습니다. 고덕감리교회에서 목회할 당시, 양조장 부친의 생일에 마태복음 5장 팔복 병풍을 선물하고 예수님이 말씀하신 성경을 만날 때마다 소개해 주었습니다. 그 후, 양조장 부친은 병풍을 세워둔 방에서 매일 잠을 자고 성경을 읽으면서 은혜를 받게 되었고, 드디어 교회에 나와 예수님을 믿게 되었습니다. 그 때부터 최은덕 목사님은 팔복 작품을 재해석하여 선물하는 일을 시작했습니다.

Rev. Eun-deok Choi was a Methodist pastor who served in Seoul, Incheon, and Gangwon. Throughout his life, he built 7 churches and pioneered 13 churches, and lived for the gospel like Paul.

Rev. Eun-deok Choi, who had an affinity for people, created the re-interpreted Beatitudes based on the Chinese Bible for the purpose of establishing relationships with well-known people in the community and evangelizing them. When he was pastoring at Godeok Methodist Church, he gifted the brewer's father a folding screen of the Beatitudes from Matthew 5 on his birthday and introduced the Bible where Jesus spoke to him every time he encountered it. After that, he slept in the room where the artwork was set up every day and read the Bible, receiving grace. After receiving this, he finally came to church and believed in Jesus. From then on, Rev. Eun-deok Choi began reinterpreting the Beatitudes and giving people as gifts.

An inkstone engraved on five sides with various scenes of a crowd gathered in the gardens of a large pavilion. The inverse of the stone is engraved with the text of the Lanting Xu (兰亭集序; 난정집서), a famous piece of Chinese calligraphy considered to have been written by the famous calligrapher, Wang Xizhi (王羲之; 왕희지), during the Jin dynasty (266-420 BCE). On the front of the stone, a lone scholar, possibly Wang Xizhi, sits at a desk overlooking a pond which makes up the ink well and plain. The stone is accompanied by a padded box for storage, which includes several labels identifying its origin and the text engraving. The label affixed to the interior of the box lid notes that the stone was a souvenir procured on a trip to China, July 20-27, 1991, by "Righteous Mountain" Rev. Eun-deok Choi (義山 崔恩德; 의산 최은덕).

Physical object

Engraved inkstone

아들의 유년시절 기억에 "아버지의 방에서는 항상 묵향이 났다." 라고 할 정도로, 최은덕 목사님은 붓글씨로 영적 작품을 만드는 것에 깊은 관심과 은사가 있었습니다. 이러한 붓글씨 작품들을 지인과 불신자들에게 선물하며 복음을 전했습니다. 그 작품 중 하나가 바로 제임스 T. 레이니 전 총장 및 전 대사에게 전달되었습니다.

In his son Rev. Byoung-hyoun Choi's childhood memories, there was always ink incense in his father's room, and Rev. Choi had a deep interest and gift in creating spiritual works using calligraphy. He preached the gospel by gifting these calligraphy artworks to his acquaintances and non-believers. One of those works was passed on to Emory's President Emeritus James T. Laney.









<-- Read Chinese transcription right to left









<-- Read Korean pronunciation right to left

가난을 편안히 여기고 도(道)를 즐기는 것이 참된 행복이어라
높고 높은 하늘나라에 그 사람이 속하였느니라

슬퍼하고 통곡하는 것이 참된 행복이어라
그 사람이 결국엔 온화한 빛남으로 구원될 것이니라

온유와 공경으로 극기하는 것은 참된 행복이어라
큰 뜻으로 말미암아 그가 상속될 것이니라

의로운 것에 주리고 목마르면 참된 행복이어라
그 마음에 실컷 흡족함을 기약할 것이니라

자애롭고 은혜롭게 남을 대하는 것은 행복이어라
그 자신이 반드시 자애롭고 은혜로움을 입게 될 것이니라

심령이 밝게 빛나는 것은 참된 행복이어라
주님께서 반드시 그에게 만나 뵐 수 있는 기쁨을 내려주실 것이니라

온화함으로 화목함에 이르는 것은 참된 행복이어라
천주님의 자녀라 이름이 높이 일컬어질 것이니라

의로움을 위하여 모욕을 받는 것은 참된 행복이어라
천국이 이미 그의 손바닥 안에 있음이라

Be comfortable with poverty and enjoy the Tao (道);
That person belongs to the high and lofty kingdom of heaven.

Sadness and wailing are true happiness;
That person will eventually be saved by a gentle glow.

Self-denial with gentleness and reverence is true happiness;
That person will surely inherit the earth.

Hungering and thirsting for what is righteous is true happiness;
That person will be fully satisfied.

Treating others with kindness and grace is true happiness;
That person itself will certainly be merciful and gracious.

When your heart shines brightly, it is true happiness;
The Lord will surely give that person the joy of meeting him.

Reaching harmony through gentleness is true happiness;
That person’s name will be magnified as God’s children.

To suffer from humiliation for righteousness’ sake is true happiness;
For heaven is already in the palm of that person’s hand.

山上垂訓 義山 崔恩德 書

산상수훈 의산 최은덕 서

The Beatitudes, Written by Righteous Mountain Eun-deok Choi

Righteous Mountain's Legacy:

"The Four Treasures" at Pitts Theology Library

An eight panel folding screen supporting calligraphy of an interpretation of the Eight Beatitudes (Matthew 5) in Chinese. The artist, Rev. Eun-deok Choi, has signed the work with his sobriquet, 義山 (의산; Righteous Mountain). The artist, Rev. Choi, was an acquaintance of the former President of Methodist Theological University in Seoul, Bong-bae Park, and may have originally gifted the work to him. Park, in turn, was a friend and colleague of former Emory University President and US Ambassador to Korea, James T. Laney, and possibly gifted the work to him. Ultimately, the work was gifted to Candler School of Theology by Laney.


Seals (Panel 8)

2024년 봄, 최병현 목사님은 그의 아버지 ‘의산(義山)’ 최은덕 목사님의 서예 도구들과 그의 생에 마지막 서예 작품 한 점을 피츠신학도서관에 추가 기증하여, 최은덕 목사님의 작품들과 도구들이 함께 전시 되도록 했습니다. 기부 물품으로는 큰 문자를 만드는 데 사용되는 유형의 대형 서예 붓 세 점이 포함되었습니다. 붓은 각각 길이와 너비가 다채로운 손잡이를 가지고 있으며, 최은덕 목사님이 작업에 사용한 잉크의 잔재가 남아 있습니다. 이 붓 옆에는 천으로 감싼 상자에 한자들이 새겨진 벼루가 들어 있는데, 이 벼루 표면에도 여전히 잉크 흔적이 남아 있습니다. 벼루의 외부 측면에는 호화로운 정자가 있는 정원에 사람들이 모인 장면들이 새겨져 있습니다. 나머지 두 면인 "앞면"과 "뒷면"에는 상호보완적으로 묘사된 두 개의 각인이 있습니다. 벼루의 안쪽에는 4세기 중국 동진의 서예가 왕희지(王羲之; Wang Xizhi)의 유명한 작품인 난정집서(蘭亭集序; Lantingji xu)에서 발췌한 글이 새겨져 있다. 뒷면에는 연못이 내려다보이는 누각의 단상에 홀로 앉아 있는 선비의 모습이 있는데, 이는 왕희지가 <난정집서>를 지은 장면을 연상시킵니다. 이 벼루는 최은덕 목사님이 1991년 중국 여행 중 구입한 것으로, 그의 서예의 예술과 역사를 보여주는 증거이며, 동시에 최은덕 목사님이 생전에 사용한 마지막 벼루로서 '단연' (端硯: 마지막 벼루)이라는 이름으로 불립니다. 이러한 정보는 상자 안쪽에 부착된 라벨에 있습니다. 최병현 목사님은 아버지의 서예 유산을 기념하기 위해 ‘아위(야훼)반석’이라는 의미의 서예 작품 역시 기증했는데, 이는 아버지가 마지막으로 남긴 서예 작품 중 하나로서 부드러우면서도 튼튼한 종이 바탕 위에 먹물을 묻혀 예수님의 이름을 선포하는 작품입니다.

최은덕 목사님의 도구와 작품에 얽힌 서예의 물품인 (붓, 벼루, 종이, 그리고 먹)이 최병현 목사님의 인애로 피츠신학도서관에 자리잡게 되었습니다.

In spring of 2024, Rev. Byoung-hyoun Choi graciously donated a selection of his father's calligraphy tools and one final piece of calligraphy to Pitts Theology Library, bringing together the works and tools of the "Righteous Mountain." These donations included three large calligraphy brushes of the type used to create large characters. The brushes exhibit a range of handle lengths and brush widths, and still carry remnants of the ink Rev. Choi used in his work. Alongside these brushes came an intricately engraved inkstone nestled in a fabric-wrapped box, traces of ink still dusting the stone surface. The exterior sides of the stone feature several scenes in which groups of people gather in a lavish pavilion garden. On the remaining two sides, the "front" and "back," are two complementary sets of engravings. In the hollowed out basin, the text of Lantingji xu (<蘭亭集序>; <난정집서>), or "Orchid Pavilion Preface," a famous work of calligraphy by the renowned Chinese calligrapher, Wang Xizhi  (王羲之; 왕희지), during the Jin dynasty (4th century). On the reverse side, a scene with a lone scholar seated at a desk in an open sided pavilion overlooking a pond, evokes the scene of Wang Xizhi composing the Lantingji xu. Altogether, this inkstone, purchased by Rev. Choi during a trip to China in 1991, is a testament to the art and history of calligraphy and, as the final inkstone used by Rev. Choi during his life, was appropriately referred to as "The Last Inkstone" on the label affixed to the inside of the box. To compliment his father's tools, Rev. Byoung-hyoun Choi also donated one of the last works of calligraphy his father produced, a striking piece proclaiming the name of God through ink soaked into the soft, yet strong foundation of paper.

Interwoven in the tools and works of Rev. Eun-deok Choi, the Four Treasures of calligraphy have settled at Pitts Theology Library through the generosity of Rev. Byoung-hyoun Choi: the brush, the inkstone, the paper, and the ink.

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